Friday, July 19, 2024

Exhibitions September Helsinki

Tina Mariane Krogh Madsen and Malte Steiner going to have each their own solo exhibition 6.- 29. September 2024 at Oksasenkatu 11 Helsinki, Finland. Madsen in the upper area, Steiner in the basement area of the space. There will be also sound events and block 4 records available. More details soon.

Friday, May 24, 2024

Lithic Listening Helsinki 26. May

Tina Mariane Krogh Madsen, certified facilitator of Deep Listening workshops from The Center for Deep Listening, Rensselaer Polytech Institute (US), is going to lead a Lithic listening walk this Sunday. 26.5. 14:00-15:30 EEST Villa Tarvo, Ritokallionpolku 8, 00330 Helsinki.

Saturday, May 11, 2024

Impressions from TMS concert 4.4.2024 Helsinki 3/3

Video from the TMS concert in Helsinki 4.4.2024.

At the Akusmata Polyphonic Festival Helsinki, TMS debut their new piece “Occurrences”. They have created a cybernetic system which registers and processes their sonic inputs coming from metal percussion and tactile resonance via piezo-microphones. The computer responds to their playing and calculates control data, not only for internal sound synthesis but also for an external modular synthesizer.The lower graph shows the input from 4 Piezos, 2 per performer. The computer analysis these signals and register timing, pitch and estimated formants, and randomly pick sequences from the data and controls with that internal and external synthesizer. The middle graph shows the computer output, on the top the pie diagrams show remaining data of the chosen sequences. Additionally the performers play custom synthesizer and process the sounds with pedals. The software is created with Pure Data for data analysis, storage and sequences, visuals are written in Python with PyGame library.

Friday, May 10, 2024

Impressions from TMS concert 4.4.2024 Helsinki 2/3

More impressions from the audiovisual Helsinki concert with our project TMS, at the Akusmata Polyphonic festival 4. April 2024. Pictures by Karri Kokko. TMS are Tina Mariane Krogh Madsen and Malte Steiner.

Thursday, May 9, 2024

Artist-In-Residency Akureyri

Block 4 artists Tina Mariane Krogh Madsen and Malte Steiner are currently Artists-In-Residency at the Art Museum in Akureyri in Iceland till 21. May. Madsen continues her research and site-specific fieldwork which also includes field recordings of sounds. Steiner works on field recordings, detailing his art concepts and improving several of his artistic software programs.

Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Impressions from TMS concert 4.4.2024 Helsinki 1/3

Impressions from the audiovisual Helsinki concert with our project TMS, at the Akusmata Polyphonic festival 4. April 2024. Pictures by Tommi Välimäki. TMS are Tina Mariane Krogh Madsen and Malte Steiner.


At the Akusmata Polyphonic Festival Helsinki, TMS debut their new piece “Occurrences”. They have created a cybernetic system which registers and processes their sonic inputs coming from metal percussion and tactile resonance via piezo-microphones. The computer responds to their playing and calculates control data, not only for internal sound synthesis but also for an external modular synthesizer.The lower graph shows the input from 4 Piezos, 2 per performer. The computer analysis these signals and register timing, pitch and estimated formants, and randomly pick sequences from the data and controls with that internal and external synthesizer. The middle graph shows the computer output, on the top the pie diagrams show remaining data of the chosen sequences. Additionally the performers play custom synthesizer and process the sounds with pedals. The software is created with Pure Data for data analysis, storage and sequences, visuals are written in Python with PyGame library.

Wednesday, April 24, 2024

Pictures from Elektronengehirn concert in Aarhus 2/2

Impressions from last Saturday’s (20.April 2024) concert by Elektronengehirn in Aarhus. Here you can see Malte Steiner's new visuals software in action on three independent screens. Pictures by Per Hoier and Rene Holm.