RIP Dave Smith, founder of Sequential Circuits and DSI, synthesizer pioneer and one of the creators of the MIDI standard.
A Sequential Circuits Six-Trak was the core of the sound of Notstandskomitee at its beginning 1991, including the song 'Gebärmutter'. The synthesis was rather basic but it was 6 times multitimbral, means it provided 6 different midi controllable analog sounds at the same time, like 6 monophonic synths. Multitracking and overdubbing was not in my reach in that time due to the lack of money. Multitracking was in the composition and sequencing, all audio was mixed down in one go and recorded on stereo. In that time the Six-Trak, originally from 1984, could be bought cheaply second hand, and it was Claus of PNE who suggested it to me.
The Six-Trak is now in storage,but these days in the block 4 studio there is a DSI Tempest drumsynthesizer and the Smith/Oberheim collaboration OB6 synthesizer, which is one giant sweetspot synth.