Thursday, June 4, 2009

Low latency audio with Linux on Acer Revo

I am preparing the hard and software for my forthcomming exhibition with Urban Units. Some computers received an major os update and I prepared our new Acer Revo (We are all Revo) to run well with Linux too. But it took me a while to get it running well with low latency audio, first it seems that the Revo couldn't run audio without xruns at all. I tried several distros like Ubuntu Studio, Debian and Fedora Planet CCRMA, compiled my own low latency kernel but no avail, it wont work. I was about to blame the NVidia closed source drivers, but wanted to run on that computer to benifit from the hardware.

Finally I discoverd the reason, it was actually the wireless driver which disturbed the sound. When I switched it off, it runs very well with the build in soundcard and the binary NVidia drivers. No interrupts anymore, even on heavy load plus OpenGL graphics.

Marije Baalman was in the simular situation and descriped her adventures on her blog:

This German discription helped me to get started because its a while ago since I compiled a whole kernel on my own:

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